Thursday, July 17, 2008

Math Typing Tips

Tips for sending math problems
You can use any of the following methods for email your math questions.

Scanning : You can write your questions in a paper and scan it and save it as a JPGE file. Attach this file with your E-mail and send it. Scanning your math problems is much faster than typing math symbols and I recommend this method for sending your questions to me.

Typing Math symbols : For typing Math symbols you can use Equation Editor. If you are using MS word,go to the tool bar. Click insert.
Now you can see object option. Click object. In the 'create new' option, select Microsoft equation.
With this you can type the math symbols you want. Save your questions as a .Doc file and attach it with your E-mail and send it.
Screen Capture : If you want to copy any questions from a website, do the following.
1. Press "print screen".This will copy the page.
2. Then goto paint and press "Ctrl" and "V" keys at the same time. You can save this as a JPGE file.
3. Email this file as an attachment.
If you have any questions, please write to me at suresh.mscmaths(AT)gmail(DOT)com

Frequently Asked Questions

What are your qualifications?

I have a master degree in Mathematics and a diploma in Computer Science. I have taught Mathematics for students of primary,high school and college level.

How do you provide Math Help?

If you are stuck on a problem, simply email the question. I will respond with a full solution including tips so that you will be able to answer similar type problems on your own.

I live in America. Could I get your help?

Absolutely! As far as mathematics is a global subject I can help students from all over the world.

How do I submit my questions?

you can email your questions at

Once I submit the problems what should I do?

I will have a look at the problems and give you a quote by email. If the fee is acceptable for you, you can send the money.

How do you determine the cost of doing my question set?

When you send me your math problem set I look at it question by question, and determine how much time it will take to write the solutions down. The cost is based solely on the estimated length of time it will take to write down complete step by step solutions for each of your questions.

How many problems can I submit?

You can submit as many problems as you want, but of course, long lists will take longer time to be processed.

How do I pay?

You can make the payment to through PayPal account.(If you are under 18, please seek the permission of your parents)

How long does it take to get my solved problems back?

The basic fee is based on a normal turn-around of 1-2 days. But when you submit your problems, you can indicate what your desired turn-around time frame is. If you're in a rush, still, rush service is subject to availability, and the hourly rate will be higher.

*Can you solve my math homework?

I am here to give the help and support to study mathematics in a proper and effective way so that you can understand basics and can improve your problem solving abilities. Simply turning the problems for a better grade never help you. Please do not use this as a way to cheat; cheating will not help you in the long run. And I hope you use it in a good way only, if not I request you don't misuse my service.

Do you offer math tutoring by Email?

Yes, if you are struggling with certain mathematical concepts, or you missed any classes I can offer math tutoring through Email.

Online Math Tutoring

  • I offer online math tutoring via email.
  • This is a great option for students looking for an online math tutor, or students who don't necessarily need to sit down with a tutor for a long time.
  • This can also be a good option for home schooling students and those working in independent study situations.
  • For a long session, I will ask you to email me a sample of one or two of the types of questions you have. You also tell me what are your problems and area you are weak in.
  • Don't forget to mention what you really want to achieve with math tutoring. This will help me to understand your problems better and I can help you with effectively.

Types of assistance

I provide different types of assistance in math, suitable for the different needs you might have:

Math Problem Solving Service
You can submit a list of problems to me, and I’ll give a free quote for solving your math problems. I also provide math homework help. I will give you the correct and complete solutions to all your math problems.

Online Math Tutoring
If you want help with a certain math topic, I can provide you a math tutoring session via email.

How It Works
Step1: E-mail your math problems at
Please include 'Math help' or 'Math tutoring' in the subject line. Also mention your grade level or standard and your deadline.
Step2: I will give you a quote.
Step3:Make the payment through PayPal.
Step4: I will send the step by step written solutions as a PDF attachment to your e-mail.

Advice For Parents

  • Mathematics is a difficult subject for many students. John Louis Von Neumann has said "If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is". Children struggle with math because they don't enjoy it or they don't see how it is relevant to their future.
  • I think we are creating negative attitudes towards math at an early stage. Through monitoring brains of infants, researchers confirmed that infants as early as 6- months in age can detect mathematical errors. Read the story here.
  • I have seen many people who proudly say "I hate math". When hearing this, young children also think it is some thing great if they do bad in math. So unknowingly they begin to hate math. So, don't tell your child "math is hard" because they will believe you. Instead of that inspire confidence in them.
  • As a parent, you should encourage your child to spend time learning mathematics and pointing out how you use math in your everyday life - at home or at work. Even though math is difficult and requires a good deal of study time, parents should maintain a high level of expectations for their children to ensure success. Studies have shown that children perform better in subjects that interest them.
  • Encourage your child to be creative when solving problems. There is always more than one way to skin a cat and math isn't that different. Let your child explore alternative viewpoints - the teacher's way is not the only way.

Why do we need homework?

  1. Homework has been a part of students' life from the beginning of formal school.
  2. However, the practice has sometimes been accepted and other times rejected, both by educators and parents. This has happened because homework can have both positive and negative effects on children's learning and attitudes towards school.
  3. Some educationists of the view that homework should not be given to students. Giving homework means creating in the child school mania in the home also.
  4. Others are of the view that five hours in the school is in sufficient and it must be supplemented by some work at home. It is not the homework that is objectionable, but its nature and amount which invites criticism.
  5. But the importance and need of homework cannot be minimized, if it is of a right nature. It utilizes the leisure time of the children, which otherwise would have been wasted. It may establish the habit of working hard and that too regularly.
  6. We know that good assignments, completed successfully, can help children develop wholesome habits and attitudes.
  7. Homework can help parents learn about their children's education and communicate both with their children and the schools. And it can encourage a lifelong love of learning. Homework can have many benefits for young children.
  8. It can improve remembering and understanding of schoolwork. Homework can help students develop study skills that will be of value even after they leave school. It can teach them that learning takes place anywhere, not just in the classroom.
  9. Homework can benefit children in more general ways as well. It can foster positive character traits such as independence and responsibility.
  10. Homework can teach children how to manage time.

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